Engineering Excellence Awards Intent to Enter

ACEC WI wants to know if your firm is planning to submit a project(s) into the 2020 Engineering Excellence Awards competition. Information collected in this survey will help us assemble a judging panel of appropriate size and expertise. The survey is for planning purposes only; it does not commit your firm to enter. Please complete this survey by August 15.

If you have questions about the survey or the Engineering Excellence Awards program, please contact us at 608-257-9223.

Please help us make it another great competition by answering the following questions.

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* 1. How many projects does your firm plan to enter into the 2020 Engineering Excellence Awards competition?

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* 2. Which category do you plan to enter your project? Categories are outlined in the Call for Entries, available at For multiple entries, select all that apply.

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* 3. ACEC WI is looking for individuals to serve as judges for the 2020 awards competition. Judges can be from any area of expertise, but cannot be employed by a consulting engineering firm. If you know someone may be interested in serving as an Engineering Excellence Awards judge, please list their name and contact information below.

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* 4. Help us track our survey results by providing your firm name.