What are you thinking about climate change? Will it affect the way you vote in the next federal election? Whatever your age, whatever you think, wherever you are in Australia, please will you do our survey? Your voice is so important.

All responses will be anonymous. We’re so appreciative of you taking the time to complete this survey.

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* 1. Please tell us your postcode.

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* 2. What is your age bracket?

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* 3. How concerned are you about the impacts of climate change?

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* 4. Which of the following do you believe to be impacts of climate change happening now in Australia? (Mark all that apply)

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* 5. When you consider your own life, have you, your family members or friends been affected by any of the following? Mark all that apply.

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* 6. Which of the following actions have you taken as a result of concern about climate change? Mark all that apply.

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* 7. Thinking about children alive today and the world that they and future generations will inherit, how do you feel about the following statements?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I worry for their future and well being in a world increasingly under stress from climate change.
I am optimistic that they will live in a world where humans have stopped pollution and reduced the risks of climate change.
I worry about the fate of children in poorer nations who might not have the same resources to deal with the problems as we do in Australia.
I care deeply and will do everything I can to speak out for children here now and in future generations.
I don't think they will be impacted by climate change beyond normal seasonal and weather patterns.

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* 8. If you have been planning to start a family or considering having more children, which of the following statements reflects your views:

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* 9. Can you let us know how important these issues are for you:

  Extremely important Important Not important I'm not sure
Stopping the Adani coal mine from being built
Stopping all new coal mines from being built in Australia
Protecting the Great Barrier Reef from coral bleaching
Prioritising investment in products and jobs in clean, green industries to replace fossil fuels in our economy
Developing a coordinated national strategy to transition Australia to renewable energy as soon as possible

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* 10. When it comes to the cost of climate change action, which of the following statements best represent how you feel?

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* 11. When thinking about the next federal election, which one of the following most accurately reflects your priorities? A candidate or Party that promises:

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* 12. At the next Federal Election, how important is it for you to vote for:

  extremely important important not that important
 a candidate who belongs to a well-established political party
a candidate who will represent your views & values when they themselves vote in Canberra
a political party you or your family have always voted for

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* 13. Optional. However you answered Q12, could you share 'Why' with us?

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* 14. Optional
We’re going to release the aggregated results of this survey to the media. If you would be happy to be contacted about your response, please leave us your name and contact number.

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* 15. Optional
Do you have any other thoughts on climate change and the upcoming election or on any of the above questions that you want to let us know about? Tell us about your experience of climate impacts, or your worries, hopes, choices and actions or anything else you feel is missing from this survey.

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* 16. Optional
If you would also like to be emailed our survey results please leave your email address below.