Welcome to Hotel Management's 2020 Hotel Brands Survey.

Results are published in the December ADVISOR issue of Hotel Management and the survey is open until Oct. 16. PLEASE NOTE: Soft brands (also known as affiliation brands or marketing brands) are invited to participate in this survey. IMPORTANT: Please fill out a separate survey for each brand you represent (Ex: Do not fill out a survey for "Marriott International;" fill out separate surveys for each Marriott International brand).

You will know your responses have been correctly submitted when you see a "thank you" screen after you hit "submit."

Thank you for participating in the survey.

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* 1. Enter the brand's name. NOTE: A separate survey should be completed for each brand, not a single survey for the parent company.

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* 2. Enter the brand's website. Please begin with "www" and DO NOT capitalize any letters in the URL.

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* 3. Enter the name of the brand's parent company, if applicable (Ex: Enter "Marriott International" for the Courtyard by Marriott brand.)

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* 4. Please choose the STR chain scale segment your brand falls into:

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* 5. Please enter a contact person's name for more information. This information will be published. DO NOT include titles, academic or other professional affiliations.

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* 6. Please enter an email address for the contact person listed above. This information will be published. You may choose to enter a general company email address (info@company.com) if you prefer. DO NOT capitalize any letters in the address. Ex: bob@company.com.

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* 7. Enter the name of the person filling out the survey. This data will NOT be published.

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* 8. Enter the email address of the person filling out the survey. This data will NOT be published.

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* 9. Enter the number of guestrooms open in the brand in the U.S. only as of 8/31/20. Please use figures and do not spell out numbers. Ex.: 26, not twenty-six. ONLY REPORT OPEN GUESTROOMS, not guestrooms under development. If you do not yet have open guestrooms, please enter "0"

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* 10. Enter the number of properties open in the brand in the U.S. only as of 8/31/20. Please use figures and do not spell out numbers. Ex.: 26, not twenty-six. ONLY REPORT OPEN PROPERTIES, not properties under development. If you do not yet have open properties, please enter "0"

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* 11. Enter the number of guestrooms under development in the brand in the U.S. only as of 8/31/20. Please use figures and do not spell out numbers. Ex.: 26, not twenty-six. Under development means a contract has been signed.

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* 12. Enter the number of properties under development in the brand in the U.S. only as of 8/31/20. Please use figures and do not spell out numbers. Ex.: 26, not twenty-six. Under development means a contract has been signed.

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* 13. Enter brand-wide occupancy (as a percentage), ADR (in dollars) and RevPAR (in dollars) as of 8/31/20. Enter U.S. numbers only and report absolute values, not percent change values.

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* 14. Please choose the best description of the brand:

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* 15. Please make any notes about your answers here.

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* 16. Please add any comments about the topic of brands, and/or your outlook for the industry in 2021. These comments may be published.