Exit Pets 4 Vets Canada Program Application Veteran Intake Form Making sure we have the right companion for you is imperative. We collect this information to ensure you are a suitable candidate Question Title * 1. How did you serve? Regular Force Reserve Force Member (RCMP) Question Title * 2. Which Branch of service? Royal Canadian Navy Canadian Army Royal Canadian Air Force Royal Canadian Mounted Police Question Title * 3. Were you released medically? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 4. Do you have permission from the owner to have a pet? Yes No N/A Question Title * 5. What is your level of activity Couch Potato I run to the store Low level of activity Moderate level of activity CrossFit is life High level of activity Question Title * 6. Does your property have a safe area for the pet (dog)? Yes No Question Title * 7. What type of pet are you looking for? Dog Cat Other Question Title * 8. Please provide the best way to contact you in the space below. Done