High Street junction - Accident and near miss reports |
Following West Sussex County Council's (WSCC) decision not to support HGV restriction at the narrow 'bakery corner' junction of the Lewes Road with the High Street, Lindfield Parish Council (LPC) is compiling reports of incidents at this location with a view to asking WSCC to reconsider its stance. Please note any serious accidents should be reported directly to Sussex Police.
Concerns regarding the safety of the highway should be reported directly to West Sussex County Council.
LPC knows that WSCC's current approach to Traffic Regulation Order requests under the Community Highways Scheme includes information reported in road collision and casualty data provided by police reports, but considers that this data source potentially understates the issues at this location, where 'near misses' on the narrow, unprotected pavement are a daily feature of village life. This data will solely be used to build an evidence base of incidents at the junction of Lewes Road and Lindfield High Street.