Engage Here Question Title * 1. Business Name Question Title * 2. Business sector Accountancy, Banking and Finance Business, Consulting and Management Charity and Volunteer work Creative Arts and Design Energy and Utilities Engineering and Manufacturing Environment and Agriculture Healthcare Hospitality and Events Management Information Technology Law Law Enforcement and Security Leisure, Sport and Tourism Marketing, Advertising and PR Media and Internet Property and Construction Public Services and Administration Recruitment and HR Retail Sales Science and Pharmaceuticals Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Contact email Question Title * 4. Are you currently engaged with a Further Education (College or Independent Training Provider) provider? Yes No Yes but would like to engage further. Question Title * 5. If no, could you please let us know the reason(s)? Too difficult to get the training we actually need Training on offer is not available or relevant to my business Training on offer is not accessible or flexible enough Previous negative experience with a college Don't know what is on offer or how to access it Can't afford the training on offer Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Colleges and Training Providers offer a range of support and training, are you aware of the following?Apprenticeships that could be useful for your businessT LevelsSkills BootcampsWork placementsCV and Interview skillsAdult Learning courses Yes No Question Title * 7. What are the main skills gaps you currently have in your business? Question Title * 8. As part of longer term changes to help employers have a voice in future skills development, a number of employer and provider based Forums are being set up in our region. Would you be interested in finding out more and potentially being involved? Yes No Done