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* 1. Which level best describes your relationship with the Spalding Collaborative?

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* 2. Which sector do you represent?

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* 3. What suggestions can you share to improve collaborative meetings and/or attendance?

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* 4. What suggestions can you share to improve collaborative meetings and/or attendance?

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* 5. Which one aspect of the collaborative between July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 most needs to be improved or strengthened?

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* 6. What was Spalding Collaborative’s greatest accomplishment between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015?

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* 7. Meetings start on time, are clearly introduced, focus us on the agenda and have energy around productivity.

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* 8. Participants come to the meeting prepared, having reviewed materials, thought through agenda items, and are focused on meeting objectives.

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* 9. Participants are engaged in the meeting process and actively participate in the discussions, and have a voice in every decision.

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* 10. There is a balance of power in meetings where all team members have roughly and equal voice and are empowered to advocate for positions in opposition to the majority view.

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* 11. Meetings are facilitated well in that they use specific tools and processes to ensure that discussions are focused, productive and outcome oriented.

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* 12. Most agenda items are allotted the appropriate amount of time so that thoughtful decisions are made, while keeping the meeting on time and on task.

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* 13. Meeting actions, assignments and accountabilities are clearly captured at the end of the meetings so that we clearly know what we decided, who is doing what and how we will be accountable for the decisions.

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* 14. When considering meeting to meeting, there are tangible accomplishments and substantive progress that reinforces the sense that these meetings are effective and productive.

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* 15. Meetings are well documented so that we have clear accountability, a reference point when we have questions, and a history that keeps us from revisiting territory we have already covered.