Enhanced Participation

Biathlon Sask is developing its strategic plan for 2016-19 and would like your feedback.  The survey outlines the goals and objectives the board has developed with input from the membership.  We would like your input on the goals and objectives helping us focus on our plans for the upcoming seasons.

Below under each goal statement, you will see the proposed strategic objectives.  Please indicate your thoughts regarding the priorities of the objectives under each goal.

1 - most important/urgent (to be accomplished first)
2 - next important/urgent (addressed in next 1-2 years)
3 - less important/urgent (to be accomplished in the next 3 year)

 Question 2 allows you to provide any ideas on how to accomplish the objective.

Question Title

* 1. Goal: Saskatchewan residents engage in quality sport programs that provide opportunities for communities, volunteers and athletes to participate.  Please rank the following in terms of importance for this year and upcoming years.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide any comments or suggestions on how to accomplish the above objectives.