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Under the LA County Department of Public Health’s guidelines for libraries, BHPL facilities could open at limited capacity.

Grab & Go Services would allow:
- Picking up holds inside the building
- Browsing the full collection – limited to 1 hour.
- Limited patron capacity in the building: limited seating and tables.
- Wi-Fi access.
- Limited computer access.

Grab & Go Services would not allow:
- Using study rooms, study tables, or meeting rooms
- Use of high touch materials, such as toys and puppets
- Use of in house shared materials like newspapers and magazines In-person programs or events, such as story times, guest speakers, films, or book clubs

The Beverly Hills Public Library is seeking your input as we continue to plan for the return of library services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Providing answers to the following questions will assist in our planning process. Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. Are you or your family currently using BHPL’s sidewalk pick-up service?

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* 2. If so, how helpful has sidewalk pick-up been to your family?

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* 3. Given the restrictions noted above, would you visit the interior of the library to make use of Grab & Go services?

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* 4. If you chose “Maybe, it depends” for question #3, what factors would influence your decision to visit the interior of the library?

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* 5. What days would you find most convenient for side walk pick-up?

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* 6. What times of day would you find most convenient for side walk pick-up?

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* 7. What days would you find most convenient for Grab & Go service?

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* 8. What times of day would you find most convenient for Grab & Go service?

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* 9. How can the library better serve you and your family? Do you have any comments or suggestions for the library to consider during this time?

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