Boardwalk Restoration Options

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* 1. Which option do you support for the restoration of the Humiston Park area?

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* 2. How important is preserving the historical significance of the 1930s boardwalk in your decision?

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* 3. Referencing your answer in number 2, do you believe the original boardwalk should be restored at a higher cost?

Funding and Responsibilities

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* 4. There are roughly 170,000 county residents compared to 17,000 city residents, yet city taxpayers often subsidize amenities used by both groups. Do you believe city taxpayers are unfairly burdened with funding amenities used by non-city residents and tourists?

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* 5. Who should be primarily responsible for funding the boardwalk repairs?

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* 6. Do you believe community donations for the boardwalk repair should reduce the County's responsibility to contribute to this and future projects?

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* 7. Would you support a local/City tax increase to fund the boardwalk restoration if no private donations or county contributions are available?

Tourist Development Tax (TDT)

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* 8. Do you believe the Tourist Development Tax (TDT) revenues generated in Vero Beach should be more equitably shared with the city for mutually beneficial projects?

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* 9. On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest in satisfaction), how satisfied are you with Indian River County’s willingness to contribute to the maintenance and upkeep of amenities used by city and county residents, in addition to tourists?

City Amenities and User Fees

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* 10. In the absence of substantial county contributions, do you think it would be fair for the city to impose fees on beach access or parking for county residents?

Additional Feedback

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* 11. If you have other thoughts on the boardwalk restoration or funding, please share them below:

About You

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* 12. Are you a City of Vero Beach resident?

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* 13. Address

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* 14. How frequently do you visit Humiston Park?

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* 15. Name