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* 1. The EPA has designated Racine County as having "achieved attainment," which ultimately will allow Foxconn to forego the installation of more stringent pollution control equipment. In response to Illinois challenging the EPA's ruling, Governor Walker's office stated that "Wisconsin will push back," likely hinting at a counter lawsuit.

Should Foxconn meet the same smog and pollution control standards as any other industry, or should the EPA designation be allowed to stand?

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* 2. In a reversal from his previous opinion, AG Schimel says farmers may produce CBD oil from their hemp. Good idea or bad idea?

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* 3. Allouez leaders have launched a petition drive, aimed at convincing state leaders to demolish the Green Bay Correctional Institute which sits on valuable land, and replace it elsewhere in the region.

Would you sign the petition?

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* 4. In light of their pending merger with UW-Fox Valley and UW-Fond du Lac, the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh is considering the possibility of changing its name. Good idea or bad idea?

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* 5. With a state senator cited for bullying an employee, it got us thinking: What's the craziest thing you have ever witnessed in the workplace? What was the worst job you've ever had in your life? Have you ever had a boss or employee that you just could not get along with? Have you ever reported somebody to human resources?