Alternative School Interest Survey

The Village of Burk's Falls, and Townships of Armour and Ryerson are gathering preliminary information regarding the need for an Alternative School in Burk's Falls.  An alternative school caters to individuals who are seeking to improve their current level of education, or competitiveness for job seeking. If you are, or would be, interested in attending an alternative school environment, please complete the survey below
All information gathered in this survey will be kept confidential, and will only be used by key staff members during the needs assessment.  This information will help identify what level of service would be most suitable for the area.

You can take the survey online by visiting:

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* 1. Which municipality do you live in?

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* 2. Please provide your approximate age range

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* 3. Please provide your current level of education

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* 4. Would you be interested in attending an alternative school if one was made available?

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* 5. What would be your main purpose of attending an alternative school?

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* 6. Are there currently any barriers that would prevent you from attending an alternative school in Burk's Falls? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. Would you like to be kept informed about the results of this process, or if an alternative school becomes available? Please provide a contact number or email address (Will be kept strictly confidential)