Online Voting has undergone significant revisions!

The Online Voting form has undergone a significant revision over the past year.  I have included the updates below and TWO links to the survey. Remember all votes are due by April 25, 2017.  Both surveys will automatically close at midnight. 

STUDENT VOTING: (Email for the link)-Please use this link for students to cast their votes.  This link is LIVE as of today.  All votes submitted at this address will be counted towards the final vote. 

SANDBOX VOTING: -Please use this link to teach students how to vote, to create how-to videos, to make sure your school is listed, to check for errors before student voting, etc.  ALL votes cast at this address will be DELETED on a regular basis and WILL NOT count towards the final vote. 

UPDATES for 2017: 
Combined Voting: All voting links have been combined into one survey to reduce the need to complete multiple surveys if voting in multiple categories. 
Public School Participation: ALL Maryland Public Schools have been added to the list.  Unless your school is new as of this year, it should be included in the list.  There is no need to do a participation request ever again :)  
Independent School Participation:  I could not find a list of independent schools that could be easily imported into my surveys.  If you have a list (preferably in Excel), please forward the list to me so I can include as many independent schools as possible in the lists. 
Schools Not Listed:  Instead of sending a participation request and then voting, students and teachers can request to be added and place their votes from the same link. 
Bulk Voting Submissions: Teachers and Librarians can input their bulk votes from the voting link. 
Images of Books: All categories include a thumbnail image of the book cover. 
Picture Books/Multiple Choice: The picture books are included in one question, so you no longer have to worry about a student choosing more than one option. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 
Happy Voting! 
Brittany Tignor 

Question Title

* 1. Do not enter anything below.  This is just a message to let you know the changes that have been made.