Ability to advocate to Federal Government on issues important to business events
Ability to advocate to Federal Government on issues important to business events Not at all important
Ability to advocate to Federal Government on issues important to business events Low importance
Ability to advocate to Federal Government on issues important to business events Neutral
Ability to advocate to Federal Government on issues important to business events Important
Ability to advocate to Federal Government on issues important to business events Very important
Ability to advocate to State Governments on issues important to business events
Ability to advocate to State Governments on issues important to business events Not at all important
Ability to advocate to State Governments on issues important to business events Low importance
Ability to advocate to State Governments on issues important to business events Neutral
Ability to advocate to State Governments on issues important to business events Important
Ability to advocate to State Governments on issues important to business events Very important
Being able to participate in policy development for the business events sector
Being able to participate in policy development for the business events sector Not at all important
Being able to participate in policy development for the business events sector Low importance
Being able to participate in policy development for the business events sector Neutral
Being able to participate in policy development for the business events sector Important
Being able to participate in policy development for the business events sector Very important
Accessing research findings to benefit my organisation
Accessing research findings to benefit my organisation Not at all important
Accessing research findings to benefit my organisation Low importance
Accessing research findings to benefit my organisation Neutral
Accessing research findings to benefit my organisation Important
Accessing research findings to benefit my organisation Very important
Being able to attend a truly national Business Events Conference
Being able to attend a truly national Business Events Conference Not at all important
Being able to attend a truly national Business Events Conference Low importance
Being able to attend a truly national Business Events Conference Neutral
Being able to attend a truly national Business Events Conference Important
Being able to attend a truly national Business Events Conference Very important
Accessing education and training opportunities in my home state specifically developed for the business events sector
Accessing education and training opportunities in my home state specifically developed for the business events sector Not at all important
Accessing education and training opportunities in my home state specifically developed for the business events sector Low importance
Accessing education and training opportunities in my home state specifically developed for the business events sector Neutral
Accessing education and training opportunities in my home state specifically developed for the business events sector Important
Accessing education and training opportunities in my home state specifically developed for the business events sector Very important
Being able to attend exclusive Business Event lunches
Being able to attend exclusive Business Event lunches Not at all important
Being able to attend exclusive Business Event lunches Low importance
Being able to attend exclusive Business Event lunches Neutral
Being able to attend exclusive Business Event lunches Important
Being able to attend exclusive Business Event lunches Very important
Being able to attend industry specific networking and social functions in my home state
Being able to attend industry specific networking and social functions in my home state Not at all important
Being able to attend industry specific networking and social functions in my home state Low importance
Being able to attend industry specific networking and social functions in my home state Neutral
Being able to attend industry specific networking and social functions in my home state Important
Being able to attend industry specific networking and social functions in my home state Very important
Having voting rights to elect Board Members and influence the direction of the organisation
Having voting rights to elect Board Members and influence the direction of the organisation Not at all important
Having voting rights to elect Board Members and influence the direction of the organisation Low importance
Having voting rights to elect Board Members and influence the direction of the organisation Neutral
Having voting rights to elect Board Members and influence the direction of the organisation Important
Having voting rights to elect Board Members and influence the direction of the organisation Very important
Receiving updates on trends, research and news in the industry
Receiving updates on trends, research and news in the industry Not at all important
Receiving updates on trends, research and news in the industry Low importance
Receiving updates on trends, research and news in the industry Neutral
Receiving updates on trends, research and news in the industry Important
Receiving updates on trends, research and news in the industry Very important