The Black Dog Watershed Management Organization (BDWMO) is a public organization tasked with protecting and managing local water resources (e.g., lakes, ponds, wetlands) within portions of four cities (see map).

The BDWMO is in the process of updating its Watershed Management Plan, which will guide BDMWO actions for the next 10 years. The BDWMO is seeking input from you as it begins this process. Please take our brief survey to help us to better understand your concerns and priorities regarding our local water resources.

Question Title

* 1. Do you live, work, recreate, or own property within the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization (BDWMO) boundary? If so, in what city? (select all that apply)

  Apple Valley Burnsville Eagan Lakeville
Own property

Question Title

* 2. How do you interact with the water and natural resources (lakes, streams, wetlands, natural areas) in the BDWMO (e.g., wildlife watching, swimming, fishing)?

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* 3. How important are each of the following to your quality of life in your community?

  very important somewhat important a little important no impact on my quality of life
Natural Areas

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* 4. How does the health of surface water, groundwater, and natural resources in the BDWMO affect you, your friends, or your community?

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* 5. Of the following, what concerns you about the condition of the surface water, groundwater, and natural resources in the BDWMO? (select all that apply)

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* 6. Are there surface water resources or natural areas in the BDWMO you would like to see improved?

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* 7. How willing are you to take the following actions around your home and yard to improve surface water and groundwater quality?

  already do willing to do not willing to do
Pick up after your pet
Sweep up fertilizer from sidewalks/hard surfaces
Pick up litter and debris along your curb
Use a rain barrel to capture and use rainwater
Install a rain garden
Reduce or eliminate salt use in winter
Plant drought tolerant or no-mow grass seed
Wash your car on the lawn or at a carwash
Let your lawn grow longer (3 inches or more)
Participate in volunteer activities
Direct gutter downspouts onto the lawn
Keep grass clippings and leaves out of the street

Question Title

* 8. Please enter your email address if you would like to be contacted about any of the following (select all that apply):