Thank you for your interest in attending Shabbat services! Please fill out this survey to register.

Please make sure to register by noon on Friday. An email will be sent to all who RSVP confirming that services are proceeding.

Services will begin at 9:30 am. Please ensure you arrive on time so services can commence promptly, and so we can end in good time, as well.

Please make sure you have either sent in proof of vaccination, or bring your pass the day-of (please do not forget!). With the Omicron variant, we ask all those eligible to get their booster shots as soon as possible. Let's keep each other safe!

Indoors, masks are still required. Congregants are encouraged to wear an N95 or KN95 mask. We have on hand for whoever wants or needs!

By responding to this form, you agree to the waiver linked here: Beth Lida COVID Waiver

Question Title

* 1. I have either sent proof of sufficient (ideally quadruple!) vaccination, or I promise I will bring it with me

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* 2. I agree to wear a mask when needed

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* 3. Do you confirm that in the past 5 days, you have NOT had a fever, new cough, runny nose (different from seasonal allergies) or sore throat?

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* 4. Do you confirm that you are NOT currently under a quarantine order or isolate-at-home directive?

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* 5. Have you had any known close contact with a person who is affected with Covid 19 (either laboratory tested or presumed diagnosis) within the last few days?

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* 6. I agree to each statement above and understand that attending any minyan at Beth Lida Forest Hill Synagogue (“BLFHS”) is my choice. Moreover, if my answers to any of the questions on the survey change between the time I complete it and the service, I will contact  BLFHS and will not attend until I have heard back from BLFHS that it is safe to do so.

I confirm that I have read the release and waiver of liability relating to coronavirus/COVID19  forwarded to me by BLFHS (which is attached to the email that I am responding to)  and I acknowledge and agree to all the release and waiver’s terms.

Please confirm that you agree to the release and waiver of liability and the provision of answers to the above questions,  without your agreement to the release and waiver and the provision of answers to the above questions, BLFHS will unfortunately be unable to accommodate your attendance at its services.

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* 7. Your contact info:

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