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* 1. Please describe your involvement with home schooling.

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* 2. If you currently home school or plan to home school, please specify your children's grade levels (check all that apply).

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* 3. Do you participate in any type of cooperative education program (co-op) with other home schoolers?

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* 4. Have your children taken any classes at Phil-Mont or any other traditional school (public or private)?

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* 5. Phil-Mont is considering modifications to its traditional class schedule to make it more user-friendly to home schoolers. For each proposed schedule modification, please indicate whether it would make you more or less likely to take selected classes at Phil-Mont. 

Proposed Schedule Modification: Each class is held the same time, everyday (no "drop schedule" where one class drops off the schedule each day; no re-arrangement of classes on chapel day, etc.).

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* 6. Proposed Schedule Modification: Moving popular classes for home schoolers (e.g., math, science, art, and music) to the end of the school day (so no gaps between class times, and can stay after school for sports, drama or other extracurriculars).

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* 7. Proposed Schedule Modification: Move classes that are popular with home schoolers (e.g., math, science, art, and music) to the beginning of the day (so students can finish by noon, and stay for lunch time clubs).

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* 8. Phil-Mont is considering a plan to offer some classes in a two-day per week format, with additional work done at home and online. These classes would be less expensive than our traditional classes. Please indicate your interest level in two-day classes at Phil-Mont.

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* 9. Which of the following are obstacles to your children taking classes at Phil-Mont (check all that apply)?

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* 10. Which level of classes would you be interested in having your children take at Phil-Mont (please check all that apply)?

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* 11. Please rank your interest in the following Phil-Mont classes from 1 to 10, with 1 being the class in which you are most interested for your children.

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* 12. Please indicate which of the following extra-curricular and co-curricular activities you are interested in for your child (check all that apply).

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* 13. In this survey, we've asked for your input on a number of proposals Phil-Mont is considering to help it better serve the home schooling community. What else should we consider? How could Phil-Mont support you as you educate your children? What are you looking for in a program?

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* 14. Would you like to take a tour of Phil-Mont, geared to home schoolers, and led by a home schooling parent?

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* 15. What is your name?

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* 16. May we contact you to follow up on this survey? If so, please provide your contact information (email, phone, address) in the text box.