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Refreshed California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) Feedback Opportunity
Welcome to the Refreshed California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) Feedback Opportunity
To revise and update the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, in collaboration with the California Department of Education and the Region 15 Comprehensive Center (WestEd), convened a group of diverse individuals to serve as part of a work group to provide recommended revisions/updates to the current CSTP. The work group includes members who are California P-12 teachers, induction program coordinators and directors, induction program mentors, administrators, and university faculty.
Since June 2020, the work group of twenty-six California educators has met to examine the current CSTP and propose updates. What you see in this survey are the DRAFT California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) created by the work group.
This is the opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback to the work group. The draft CSTP are organized into three levels of specificity:
Standard statement: includes standard title and the language of the standard,
Element: identifies key concepts or themes within each standard, and provides a bridge between policy statements and growth indicators, and
Indicators of practice: describe what educators do to carry out concepts and ideals in each standard, identify sample practices that demonstrate sound teaching practice, and form a base for the development of an updated Continuum of Teacher Practice.
Please see each of the six CSTP on the following pages of this survey. After each CSTP, there is a place to indicate an overall rating (scale of 1-6) for the CSTP, space to indicates strengths, space to indicate effective language, space to indicate less effective language, and suggestions for continued revision or refreshing.
As one will see, there is much to consider in this survey. If the survey cannot be finished in one sitting, go to the end of the survey, click on "Done," then one should be able to enter the survey again, from the same computer, and continue from where one left off.
To access all of the CSTP, please click on this link.
We thank you for your feedback. The work group will review all of the data from this survey, and the input will be considered.