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ISMS 23 - Call for Submissions now LIVE
*UPDATE* CLOSING DATE NOW Friday 31st March 2023

The Irish Street Medicine Symposium is a conference for all those working in the area of health and homelessness and other vulnerable groups.  For the purpose of this conference ‘street medicine’ is used interchangeably with 'inclusion health'.  The conference is to promote sharing and networking across disciplines and sectors.

So if you’re working as  a social care worker, a manager, a clinician or other practitioner, a policy maker, researcher or just interested in improving the health and wellbeing of those on the margins of society then this event is for you.
Share your good work NOW!

This is a call for submissions on new initiatives, examples of best practice, quality improvement or innovative projects focused on improving health and health care access for marginalized groups.

Submissions on new research or education that aims to increase knowledge and understanding in the area of Inclusion Health are also sought.
If you have an idea, it can be shared at this stage also - you don't need to have a fully thought out proposal or presentation 'ready to go'!  It can be developed prior to the Symposium or may fit into one of our 5 min Quick Fire / Hot Topic sessions.

Question Title

1. Contact Email for Submission

Question Title

2. Title of Submission / Idea

Question Title

3. Name of Presenter(s)

Question Title

4. Name of Organisation you represent/work for

Question Title

5. Short biography of presenter/ presenters, 50 to 75 words each, which may be included in the Symposium Programme.

This year we are accepting presentations in three formats

  • 15-minute oral presentations – Research or Practice presentations

  • 90 minute workshop presentations – on topics that can be interactive & informative

  • 5-minute quickfire presentations1 content slide in 5 minutes to discuss hot topics

Question Title

6. Submit a 50-75 word summary of the presentation or idea, which, if selected, may be used as a description in the printed conference program.

The summary should be reflective of the content of the presentation.

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7. For RESEARCH BASED Submissions

Submit an abstract of 250 words or less including the background, aim, methods, results and conclusions.  This should include a brief discussion of implications for practice, limitations and future recommendations.

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8. For NON-RESEARCH BASED Submissions / Ideas

Submit an abstract of 250 words or less detailing the content of your presentation/idea and its relevance to the health issues in socially excluded populations and to those who work in the area.

Question Title

9. Preferred format if selected to present (format definitions underneath options below):

(NB Available format will depend on numbers and time available)

Format Definitions:

* 15 minute Oral PRACTICE submissions - these are presentations on what you / your organization is doing that might be different / novel to further the health and well-being or access to appropriate health/ social care services for people on the margins.  These may be project review/ evaluations or descriptions – they should be new / innovative!

* 15 minute Oral RESEARCH submissionspresentations should be on new research the presenter led or was involved in that is pertinent to the field.  The submission should be structured under the headings "Background", "Methods", "Results" and "Conclusions".  PowerPoint slides should be no more than 15 slides (excluding "Title" & "Acknowledgements" slides).  

 * 90 Minute Workshop submissions- these are opportunities for more in-depth interactions and engagements to facilitate the sharing of ideas / steps forward / learning on issues / themes. They are also an opportunity to answer questions  e.g. – Learning about the peer perspective, Developing models of Primary Care for People Experience of homelessness, Exploring the potential impact of changes to the Mental Health Act on people experiencing homelessness. 

 * 5 min Quick-fire submissionsNOTE – 1 content slide only (excluding  "Title" slide) Submissions can be an announcement of an event / a service.  They can also be  ‘ Dangerous Ideas’  or  simply ‘ Ideas’  or ‘ Why do we do it like this’ or ‘Why don’t we do it like this’ .

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10. Any comments?

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11. Do you give permission for this submission to be recorded on video and shared with attending delegates after the Symposium?

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12. Do you give permission for any presentation slides to be shared with attending delegates after the Symposium?

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13. Would you be interested in hosting a stand?

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14. If you answered YES to Q13, please note there will be limited space at the Symposium, please give a brief description of what you want to display below.

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