Thanks for your interest in the Change Leader Institute.  You will receive a confirmation that your application has been received. It will include information about our availability at upcoming Institutes. We currently have a wait-list for this program.

Questions? Contract Tracy Hansford at or 801-236-7544

Question Title

Change Leader Institute Program Overview

<span style="font-size: 24pt;">Change Leader Institute Program Overview</span>
Frequently Asked Questions

Who may participate in the program?

Any administrator, volunteer, board member, educator, or artist of a cultural, arts, museum, historical or civic organization that has an arts/cultural component (including parks and recreation, tourism, and libraries). Our goal is to serve both rural and urban areas, and organizations of all sizes. This creates a diverse networking and mentoring group which will enhance the training benefits. This program is a certificate program and will be recognized as such by Utah Arts & Museums and the nonprofit community in Utah.

How many people attend each Institute?

Each group is limited to 12 participants because of the action learning elements. We maintain a waiting list and contact those people first when a new Institute approaches.

When is the next Institute?

Institutes are held two times a year, usually in the spring and fall. Please check our website for exact dates and locations.

How is the Institute structured?

The main curriculum is taught during the three-day Institute. This intensive training involves activities that extend into the evenings. Participants complete a certification project within a year of the Institute and present at a Change Leader Conference.

How much does it cost to participate?

Funding from Utah Arts & Museums covers a significant portion of the Institute. This is an investment in arts and cultural leaders who continue to build community and participate in a broader network. A small fee is required based on organization size and is an important expression of your commitment to the program, and your organization's support of your participation. The fee schedule is listed in the application form. Besides your participation fee, your only other cost is transportation to the Institute.

Lodging, meals, and materials are provided.

Can I bring my family to the Institute?
Because we need you to fully participate in all the sessions, assignments and activities during the day and after regular business hours, bringing family members is not feasible or advisable. In most cases, we have contracted with the hotel for a single occupant in each room. Bringing guests creates accountability and catering issues.
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