Question Title

* 2. Please rate each item below based on how important you believe it is for our students and community.

  Essential and critical to BCSD's mission Very important to our mission and worth preserving at all costs Good to have, but not essential to our mission Not important enough to preserve in a time of limited resources
Academic support for struggling students
Co-curricular student clubs at the middle and high school
Enrichment opportunities during the school day at elementary and middle levels
Expanded elective opportunities for students at the high school
Maintaining clean, safe, secure buildings
Small class sizes
Summer and afterschool programs
Support for accelerated and advanced programming at the middle and high school levels
Support for the arts
Support for athletic programs
Support for students' social and emotional growth
Support for up-to-date technology in classrooms

Question Title

* 3. What programs or services do you think we should add, increase or eliminate? (optional)