Tackling a growing challenge head on

Please help us understand your challenges. Our goal is to understand your labour shortage issues and identify new AND realistic solutions! If you want to be contacted further to be part of this study, please include your contact details at the end of your survey. We will be conducting in depth interviews with businesses from June to September that will help us forge a path to a stronger future for restaurants in BC.

Yours in hospitality,

Samantha Scholefield
Labour market research - Program Manager
BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association

Question Title

* 1. Let's start with what positions you are having problems with. Where do you need people? Select all the core positions that apply to your restaurant.

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* 2. Are you missing people in support positions? Select all that apply.

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* 3. If you have a full staff, how many people are on your team?

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* 4. Are certain shifts more difficult to recruit for than others? Select all that apply.

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* 5. What is turnover like in your business? What percentage of your staff change yearly?

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* 6. What percentage of your staff is skilled labour?

0 50% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. How long are your staff generally staying?

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* 8. What culinary skills or experience are you looking for? Check all that apply.

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* 9. What is the biggest challenge that your employees identify with regards to their work at your restaurant?

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* 10. Is there a common reason people are using when they leave?

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* 11. Tell us about what you are doing to keep your staff.

  Yes No
Do you promote from within?
Do you offer in-house training?
Do you offer the opportunity to take courses at the company's expense?
Do you offer vacation?
Do you offer extended medical?
Do you offer dental benefits?
Do you offer Sick leave?

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* 12. What is the biggest change you want to make to improve the work environment for your employees?

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* 13. Tell us a bit about you and your restaurant.

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* 14. When you post a job, what tools are you currently using? Select all that apply.

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* 15. Are language skills a key issue to finding people to work in your business?

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* 16. Are you willing to be part of our research on labour shortage? Tell us about yourself: