As part of our ongoing commitment to advancing research in migraine, we have created a survey to help researchers learn more about the migraine community's opinions on preventive migraine medication effectiveness and side effects. 

Please lend your voice by participating in a short anonymous survey. Your participation will allow researchers in headache medicine to properly design studies that will compare the effectiveness and tolerability of existing migraine medications.

Question Title

* 1. What is your age (in years)?

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* 2. Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, or in some other way?

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* 3. Were you born female or male?

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* 5. What is your ethnicity?

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* 6. Have you been diagnosed with migraine? 

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* 8. Are you currently treated with, or have you ever been treated with migraine preventive medications? [Definition: A preventive medication is typically taken every day by mouth, once per month by injection, or every three months to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches and other migraine symptoms. This is different than abortive medications that are taken only when a headache or migraine attack is present, to reduce or stop the migraine symptoms.]

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* 9. We are considering starting a research study that would directly compare the effectiveness and side effects of medications used for migraine prevention. Results would inform people with migraine and their clinicians about which medications are most effective and tolerable. How worthwhile do you think the results of such a study would be?

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* 10. When selecting migraine preventive medications, which of the following outcomes are MOST important to you? Please put in order of importance to you, where #1 is most important

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* 11. When selecting migraine preventive medications, which of the following are MOST important to you? Please put in order of importance to you, where #1 is most important:

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* 12. Based on the following information, select the migraine preventive medication that you would prefer.