Event Registration Form |
2024 Viking AMCA National Meet Motorcycle Show Sign Up
Thank you for signing up for the 2024 National Meet at the MN State Fairgrounds. This is a sign up for the National Meet Motorcycle Show. If you would like to have your motorcycle Judged, please follow the link to the AMCA Website on VikingMC.org.
We will use this information to create a note card you can display in front of your bike. Please fill out all fields to the best of your knowledge. Everyone loves a story.
You must be a current AMCA member to show a bike.
Please fill out the form once for each bike (helps us organize it all).
Bikes must be manufactured before 1990
Our Theme this year is "Survivors". If you think you have a Survivor, please let us know.
We are also interested in a row of 1974 motorcycles to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Viking Club
Please drop off your motorcycle at the Progress Center (1621 Randall Ave). We will start accepting motorcycles at 8am Thursday and will be open until 7pm. A Volunteer will provide you with a ticket that you must present when picking up your bike.
Pick Up Time:
3pm-7pm Saturday June 8th