About you and your business

The B Corp Climate Collective (BCCC) is a group of leaders from Certified B Corporations in Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand working to accelerate climate action in our region by supporting business to take ambitious action. The BCCC's vision is that every existing B Corp in ANZ will have reached a climate action milestone by 30 June 2022.

This short survey is intended to understand where your business is on its climate journey and what barriers, if any, it faces moving forward on the journey. This will inform how we can best support businesses. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

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* 2. What is your organisation?

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* 3. Please indicate where your business is on its climate journey based on the following milestones:

0. My business has not yet fulfilled any Climate Action Milestones yet.
1. CLIMATE EMERGENCY DECLARATION: Recognised a climate crisis and signed a commitment to ambitious climate action.
2. CLIMATE ACTION PLAN: Produced a Climate Action Plan to measure and reduce its carbon footprint
3. CARBON NEUTRAL: Measuring its carbon footprint, try to reduce emissions and neutralising residual emission by purchasing carbon credits.
4. NET ZERO EMISSIONS: Measuring its carbon footprint, adopting science based targets (SBTs), focussed on emissions reduction and neutralising the residual emissions by purchasing carbon credits.
5. CLIMATE POSITIVE: Gone beyond net zero emissions by purchasing extra carbon credits than required or other activities (example, install extra solar power to feed the grid with renewables) to reverse global warming from its footprint to achieve a safe climate.

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* 4. Please indicate where you hope your business will be on its climate journey by the end of 2021 based on the milestones outlined in Question 3.

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* 5. What barriers are preventing your business from progressing with the climate journey, if any?

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* 6. Please share any additional comments or questions you have here.