Customer Service Survey

Thank you for using Gowan Consulting's services. We're committed to monitoring the quality of the services and products we provide, as part of an ongoing improvement process. We would appreciate your feedback on our performance.

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* 1. Please provide your basic information so that we can contact you regarding any feedback that you have provided in order to clarify or help to resolve any concerns.

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* 2. In evaluating your most recent experience with Gowan Consulting, was the quality of their overall service?

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* 3. In your most recent experience with Gowan Consulting was there any extra effort or lack of effort that stood out?

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* 4. Please rate the following aspects of our work.

  Excellent Good Adequate Poor Unacceptable N/A
Understanding your business requirements
Communicating clearly and effectively
Keeping you informed of progress
Meeting timescales
Working with you and your team
Providing value for money
Responding promptly to problems
Meeting overall project objectives

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* 5. Explain any of your ratings in the question above.

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* 6. What level of confidence do you have in us to deliver the services that you require?

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* 7. How likely are you to recommend Gowan Consulting to a colleague?

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* 8. In the past have you used similar companies, to Gowan Consulting?

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* 9. How does Gowan Consulting Compare?

  better same worse
quality of service
comprehensiveness of service
ability to understand your business needs

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* 10. What in your opinion is Gowan Consulting most known for?

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* 11. Would you use any of the other types of services that you have not yet tried from Gowan Consulting?

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* 12. Based on our performance, how likely is it that you will use Gowan Consulting in the future?

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* 13. After using Gowan Consulting, what area of their services needs to be improved?

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* 14. What would you say the biggest strength of Gowan Consulting has been?

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* 15. Do you have any issues that you would like us to resolve regarding the services that you received? Please provide us with the details.

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* 16. From time to time future customers request that we provide references or testimonials from past customers. If you would be willing to provide such a reference or testimonial, it would be greatly appreciated.

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* 17. Please indicate if you would like someone from Gowan Consulting to contact you about other service needs