How much do you know about Rally-O Encore Class?

Rally-O Encore is a new Championship class. Test your knowledge of what is required. Have fun! 

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* 1. Your club is very excited about the new Encore class and is keen to run it at its next Rally-O show. How many Encore classes can they hold over the weekend? 

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* 2. You are organising stewards for your next Rally-O show. How many time stewards will you need for each Encore class that you run?

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* 3. You are setting up a practise Encore course at your club. Which of the following signs can you NOT use?

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* 4. Your young dog has her RN title. Can you enter her in Encore?

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* 5. You are ready to go! Where do you leave the leash when competing in Encore?

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* 6. The judge has told you that she is ready. When does judging start?

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* 7. Oops! You have made a few mistakes. After how many separate retries will the judge stop judging?

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* 8. You have rocked the course. You are now at the Wait sign and have attached your dog's leash to their collar. How long will you wait before the judge says "Exercise finished"?

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* 9. Your dog qualifies in its very first Championship Encore class. Go you! What can you expect to receive to acknowledge the result?

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* 10. You have entered several Encore classes and have got quite a few qualifying certificates. Congratulations Team! How many qualifying certificates do you need to apply for your dog's Rally-O Encore Bronze title?