Indicators on Mind, Body and Performance (New Students) Thank you so much for signing up to The Nature of Success journey, the information you about to give us remains private and confidential. All answers are anonymous. Please read each statement and click the answer that best describes you today. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement. Question Title * 1. How did you hear about the 'The Nature of Success' 10-step program? I was recommended by a friend or colleague that had done it themselves I follow Matt on social media and really connected with his philosophy I searched for a coach and found this online I heard Matt on a podcast and was drawn to investigate Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 2. What inspired you to begin 'The Nature of Success' 10-step program? I was having trouble managing the challenges of life and wanted help I am curious about personal development I work in the High Performance industry and was attracted to this holistic model of performance I heard about Kelee Meditation and wanted to learn more about the mind, meditation and spirituality I am a business owner or leader and wanting to know more about leadership None of the above Question Title * 3. How much do you know about meditation? I've never tried any kind of meditation before I have tried different forms of meditation with mixed results I practice Kelee meditation Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 4. How is your mental health? I suffer from anxiety (varies in intensity) I suffer from depression (varies in intensity) I suffer from stress (varies in intensity) I have trouble with staying focused and present I'd like to feel happier, more content and have a greater sense of purpose I know the way, but often struggle with the will I feel good I just want to feel better None of the above Question Title * 5. How is your physical health? I am physically very fit and healthy and looking to find the next level I would consider my health and fitness average and never felt I've had good direction I am physically unhealthy and need to improve my all round state of health I have suffered an injury, illness or addiction and need to drastically improve my health None of the above Question Title * 6. Overall, how is your health and wellbeing practices? I am disciplined with daily habits in place I lack disciplined with daily habits / am hit and miss Not at all disciplined, self care is at the bottom of my list I don't really know how to keep my mind and body healthy Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 7. When I'm at work I'm often... Efficient... I know what to do and get it done I find it hard to get motivated and stay focused on tasks I find I'm stressed easily and overwhelmed with problem solving I work well with people and enjoy my human interaction I don't work well with people and need to improve my human interaction I am lacking in confidence Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 8. What would best describe your performance right now? I have good self awareness and feeling on purpose with my actions I am busy but have trouble giving my complete attention to more important tasks I am going through the motions and feeling bored and uninspired I feel like I have great ideas but lack the confidence to go after it Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 9. My lifestyle is... Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor Question Title * 10. My sleep is... Excellent (8-10hours a night every night with no trouble falling asleep or waking up during the night) Average (6-8hours a night every night of broken sleep) Below average (4-6hours a night every night, brain chatter and stress affects my ability to fall asleep) Poor (2-4hours a night every night, I suffer from insomnia and need to medicate myself) Depends on my day and my stress levels. My sleep can go up and down regularly Question Title * 11. Any other comments you would like to make? Done