We had a great year of trainings in 2016.  We have trained over 100 facilitators/teachers this year and we still have 1 more trainings to go! We appreciate all the effort and funds it takes to get members to these trainings and we hope many of you have been able to increase and expand your program offerings!  To serve your affiliate best we really need your feedback about the upcoming year (2017) and the programs you would like to offer and the training required to be successful. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey after consulting with the leaders and program directors of your affiliate.  WE REALLY USE THIS DATA TO PLAN FOR NEXT YEAR!  If you do not select your interest in a program we assume its not a need.  We only have funds to offer the most needed and desired programs so please consider your selections carefully.     

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* 2. What is your name?

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* 3. At your affiliate, who is the best person(s) to contact about program training?

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* 5. We are in need of State Trainers for the following programs.  NAMI In Our Own Voice, NAMI Family-to-Family, NAMI Basics.  If you have anyone interested in becoming a state trainer in the above programs (or any other) please list their name and contact info (phone, email) below.  Thank You!

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* 6. Was or will your affiliate be represented at a regional conference in 2016? (Deadline for West Bend August conference is August 8th, Deadline for October Teacher Leadership Summit is September 22)

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* 7. Would you like to share with us any ideas for future regional conferences?

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* 8. What topics or sessions would you most like to see at next years regional conferences?

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* 9. What additional tools or training opportunities do you feel NAMI Wisconsin could provide to help your affiliate?

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* 10. Does your affiliate have a unique program that you developed or offered that you would like to see NAMI Wisconsin expand state wide for other affiliates.  If so please describe briefly and give us person to contact.

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* 11. How satisfied are you with the support your affiliate is receiving from the State Office?

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* 12. Any additional comments you would like to share with us?