HCAOA Illinois Chapter COVID & PPE Survey Question Title Name Question Title Agency Name Question Title Title Question Title Email Address Question Title Number of Employees <25 25-50 50-99 99+ Question Title Has your local health department recognized your employees as part of the 1A vaccination priority list? Yes No Comments Question Title What barriers are you experiencing in vaccinating your employees? Select all that apply. Limited Availability Local Health Department Restricting Access Employee Refusal Other, please explain Question Title Is COVID testing available to employees in your area? Yes No Comments Question Title What barriers are your employees experiencing related to COV ID testing? Select all that apply. Transportation Cost/Copay Employee Refusal Other, please explain Question Title Which PPE does your agency use? Please select all masks that your agency uses. N95 Masks KN95 Masks 3 ply medical masks 3 ply surgical masks All of the above Question Title Please select all gloves that your agency uses. Vinyl Nitrile All the above None of the above Question Title Please select all liquids that that your agency uses. Gel sanitizer Isopropyl alcohol Hydrogen peroxide All the above None of the above Question Title Please select all wipes that your agency uses. Disinfecting wipes None of the above Question Title Please select all gowns that your agency uses. Disposable CPE Gowns Grade 1 Disposable CPE Gowns Grade 2 Disposable Isolation Gowns Grade 1 Disposable Isolation Gowns Grade 2 All the above None of the above Question Title Please select any other miscellaneous PPE that your agency uses. Digital Thermometers IR Thermometers Other (please specify) Question Title Does your agency use face shields? Yes No Question Title Where have you been able to acquire PPE? Select all that apply. Local health department Big box stores (i.e. Walmart, Home Depot, Walgreens) Private vendor Vendor through HCAOA website Other (please specify) Question Title Have you been limited on the amount of PPE purchased based on previous orders? Yes No Comments Question Title Can you provide an estimate on the per item pricing you've paid or seen for the following PPE? Please provide as much information as you can. N95 Masks KN 95 Masks 3 ply medical masks 3 ply surgical masks Vinyl Gloves Nitrile Gloves Gel sanitizer Isopropyl alcohol Hydrogen peroxide Disinfecting wipes Disposable CPE Gowns Grade 1 Disposable CPE Gowns Grade 2 Disposable Isolation Gowns Grade 1 Disposable Isolation Gowns Grade 2 Digital Thermometers IR Thermometers Faceshields Question Title Would you be interested in working with a PPE supplier that offers HCAOA members special pricing with a promo code? Yes No Done