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Speaker Application for Impact 5 in January 2024

IMPACT is a conference for Online tutors.  Impact stands for inspirational, motivational, professional, academic, conference for tutors.  This conference will be held at the beginning of January and feature 20-40 speakers.  All speakers will be recorded ahead of time in November and December.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Write a 3-4 sentence bio that highlights your expertise.

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* 3. Have you spoken at an online conference before?

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* 4. If you have spoken at past conferences, please list the name, website if known, and what you spoke about.

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* 5. If you are chosen to speak at Impact are you willing to share with others that you are speaking on your social media and email list?

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* 6. Think of a Catchy Title for your Talk and list below

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* 7. Write a paragraph that describes your session and motivates people to want to show up to it.  

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* 8. Do you prefer to do presentation style or interview style?

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* 9. If you chose interview style, please add the questions in the order you would like them asked.

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* 10. Do you know other speakers that would make a great addition to this conference?  List below.

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* 11. Please upload a picture that can be used of you if you are chosen to speak at the conference.

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