Welcome to the Body Beyond Birth member survey!

Whether you're a seasoned user of our exercise and fitness programs or you've been following us on social media without trialling our products, we want to hear from you.

The questions you are about to answer will take about 5 minutes. We'll use this info to help us reach out to potential new members, design new programs in the future and to help you make the most out of your BBB journey.

Thank you so much for participating!

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* 1. Are you a:

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* 2. Are you a:

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* 3. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being not at all important and 5 being very important) what parts of the BBB program appeal to you the most:

  Not at all important Somewhat important Neither here nor there Very important Extremely important
It’s a Pilates based exercise program
The program combines diet and exercise
BBB is about post pregnancy bodies with weight gain, pelvic floor issues etc
It fits in with a Mum’s busy, time constrained schedule
It’s completely online and portable
It’s based on science, not fashionable diets or exercise ideas

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* 4. What is your main reason for your interest in BBB?

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* 5. What kinds of promotions would you make use of?

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* 6. Where do you think we should advertise?

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* 7. Be honest now- what do you like about the BBB program and our social media?

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* 8. Where do you think we could improve in our program and/or social media?

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* 9. Where would you rate the price of the BBB program as value for money?

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* 10. Where did you hear about Body Beyond Birth?

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* 11. Do you have anything you would like to add?

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* 12. Please select your age range:

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* 13. Please enter your postcode:

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* 14. For your chance to win a 20 minute Skype session with Jackie and Becky to discuss your particular needs with BBB, enter your email address now: