Longevity Program

I am serious about helping as many people as possible in 2017 and that means knowing more about the health problems being faced by people over the age of 55 so I can truly serve them. What I want to do at Isabella Fitness is begin creating a program about specific fitness issues for people over the age of 55.

Sounds simple, right?

Here is where I need your help. If you could take just 2 minutes and tell me the biggest health challenges being faced by a loved one over the age of 55 that they would like to get help on. I promise to make sure the information is valuable and useful.

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* 1. Your Name:

Question Title

* 2. List the Names of People that you can think of, Include your relationship to them, and what is the specific issues/concern/excuse.(I will not use their names or contact them until we speak) Example: Mike Smith, My father, Poor diet, lacks motivation, has knee/back pain. They have to be over the age of 55.

Question Title

* 3. Any additional thoughts, opinions, and/or concerns you would like to share with me...