Speedwell Surgery Proposed Extension |
1. We want your views on a plan to extend Speedwell Surgery and what this means to our patients.
What is the plan?
To make Speedwell Surgery bigger by building two floors on top of the existing building. The surgery will remain in same location.
To make Speedwell Surgery bigger by building two floors on top of the existing building. The surgery will remain in same location.
We want to improve our surgery building so that we can deliver better NHS services for you. The current building is too small for all of our current staff and services, and we want to be able to offer more services to you but can’t because we need more space.
We have received planning permission and we are now working with NHS authorities to discuss how we can put the plans in place.
What does this mean for our patients?
As a practice, we offer services at both Speedwell Surgery in Paddock and Longwood Surgery.
Whilst the extension at Speedwell Surgery is being built, there is likely to be disruption to some of the services whilst building works are carried out. The building works could potentially take up to 12 months to complete.
What are we planning to do?
During building works, our preferred option would be to offer the majority of our services from Longwood Surgery, which is about a mile from Speedwell Surgery. Many of you already use both sites, but we want to know how you feel about this.
We are also exploring options of using Portacabins or if the builders allow, to continue to use some parts of Speedwell Surgery. If we were to use Portacabins, they would include areas for waiting, facilities for patients to be examined and treated, and disabled access will be possible.
We believe that although there will be some disruption to services in the short term, there will be significant long term benefits to you and to our local area. We feel the plans are positive for the practice and our patients. Eventually, we will gain a purpose-built health centre which would provide better access for our patients, including a larger waiting area and more space.
Once the extension is complete, we will continue to offer services from both Speedwell Surgery and Longwood Surgery.
What do you think about our plans?
We think this is a great opportunity for our patients and staff. The proposed extension will provide services to local people with better facilities and access for those using and working in the building.
As we have planned dates for the works to start, we want to know what you think about our plans to help us get it right for our patients.
If you need help with completing this survey, please ring us on 01484 531786 or email admin.speedwellsurgery@nhs.net Please share views by 18th March 2024.