2019 WORC Annual Conference

Thank you for attending our 2019 WORC Annual Conference!  We would love to hear what you thought!

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* 1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the conference?

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* 2. Did the conference fulfill your reason for attending?

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* 3. Would you recommend the conference to others?

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* 4. What was the most exciting takeaway you had from the 2019 conference?

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* 5. For all who sponsored the conference, do you feel your recognition was adequate?

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* 6. For those that joined us as vendors, did you get the networking benefits you desired?

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* 7. What other topics would you be interested in for future Conferences?

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* 8. Any other comments you would like to share?

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* 9. Interested in participating with WORC? Get more information about joining a committee or task force by entering your name here!