Service charge consultation
Last year we made changes to how we manage service charges. These changes were designed to simplify service charges and make them easier to understand. We did this after listening to feedback and complaints from tenants and the Customer Panel.
To make service charges even more simple, fair and consistent for tenants, we have asked Arneil Johnston to carry out a review for us. Arneil Johnston are an independent housing consultant and they have worked with other housing associations to successfully simplify their service charges.
Do you find our current management of service charges easy to understand?
Yes, I completely understand them
Yes, I mostly understand them
I'm not sure
No, I'm not sure I completely understand them
No, I don't understand them at all
Do you agree with the proposal to simplify charges by pooling all charges together?
Yes, I would prefer that services are charged at an average rate for all locations
No, I would prefer the way that it is done now
Do you have any feedback, concerns or questions about our proposal to have pooled charges?
Do you have any feedback, concerns or questions about our proposal to remove surpluses and deficits from individual developments or courts?
If we make the proposed changes, some service charges might have to change to reach the new pooled amount. This could mean that your service charge might increase or decrease. How would you like to see this done?
I'd like the changes to be brought in all at once
I'd like the changes to be gradually brought in over a number of years
Do you have any suggestions or feedback on how we could improve the information you receive about service charges?
Do you have any other feedback about service charges? Please note that if you have a complaint or request for a service then you should contact our team directly for an immediate response.
Your name (optional - required to be entered into prize draw):
Your address (optional):
Current Progress,
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