Welcome, we appreciate you taking the time to answer the following 15 survey questions to gather your thoughts and feedback about the Kiowa County Hospital District (KCHD) facilities. Your responses will be completely anonymous.  This information will be integrated into the Master Facilities Planning Process being facilitated by Wold Architects and Engineers to help us shape our future patient care areas and work environment.

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* 1. What zipcode does your household reside?

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* 2. What is/are the age range(s) of your household? (please select all that apply)

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* 3. Do you or someone in your household require routine treatment, testing, or other services?

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* 4. If you are receiving services, what factor(s) influenced your decision to use KCHD for your care? (check all that apply)

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* 5. If you do not utilize services at KCHD, why?

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* 6. How would you rank the treatment and/or care you received at KCHD?

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* 7. What is your first impression of the KCHD facilities?

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* 8. How would you rank the overall cleanliness of the facilities?

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* 9. What areas or updates would help improve the experience at the Weisbrod Memorial Hospital?

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* 10. What areas or updates would help improve the experience at the Eads Medical Clinic?

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* 11. What other spaces would you like considered as part of a new campus?

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* 12. What physical therapy services have you used or would you be interested in having available at the new location?

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* 13. Are there services you wish the hospital or clinic would offer?

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* 14. Have you seen or experienced something at a different facility that could improve KCHD?

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* 15. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience(s) or information you would like considered for our planning?

Thank you for your time and for helping to shape the future of healthcare in our community!