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Batavia Public Library - Plant-Based: Vegan, Vegetarian, Whole Foods

In recent years there has been a shift to consuming less meat and dairy and instead increasing the consumption of plant-based foods.
This survey focuses on 3 types of diet plans that fall under the plant-based umbrella: Vegan, Vegetarian, and Whole Foods. Please let us know how the Batavia Public Library's collection is supporting this shift and how we can improve the collection available to our patrons.

For purpose of this survey, we define these diets as follows:
Vegan: 0%  animal foods consumed - including no dairy, no eggs, no honey
Vegetarian: No meat, fish, or poultry, but allows dairy, eggs, and honey
Whole Foods: Plant foods that are in their natural state with little or no processing and no artificial ingredients. 

Question Title

* 1. Please rate to what extent you are interested in a Vegan diet.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate to what extent you are interested in a Vegetarian diet.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate to what extent you are interested in a Whole Foods diet.

Question Title

* 4. Please let us know if we have too few, too many, or just the right amount of Vegetarian titles in our Health section (focuses on the diet plan itself) and our Cookbook section (focuses on recipes).

  Too few Too many Just right Not sure
Health collection
Cookbook collection

Question Title

* 5. Please let us know if we have too few, too many, or just the right amount of Vegan titles in our Health section (focuses on the diet plan itself) and our Cookbook section (focuses on recipes).

  Too few Too many Just right Not sure
Health collection
Cookbook collection

Question Title

* 6. Please let us know if we have too few, too many, or just the right amount of Whole Foods titles in our Health section (focuses on the diet plan itself) and our Cookbook section (focuses on recipes).

  Too few Too many Just right Not sure
Health collection
Cookbook collection

Question Title

* 7. Please let us know of any titles on these plant-based diets that you think the Batavia Public Library should purchase.

Question Title

* 8. For any further comments, please enter them here.
We thank you for your time answering this survey. Your answers will help us better serve our patrons.

0 of 8 answered