Eastside Timebank Membership Survey 2016

The Eastside Timebank has been in existence for the past five years.  It is time to take stock in how we are doing and what is needed for the future.  If you would like to further discuss anything on the survey, contact Joan at joan@tbanks.org. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! 

Question Title

* 1. As an Eastside Timebank Member, which of the following are you most likely to attend:

  Likely To Attend  Sometimes Likely to Attend Not Likely to Attend
Monthly Potlucks
Coffee Break Meetings
Wine and Cheese gathering to get to know other timebank members better
Training Meetings, Such as a meeting on "Using the Member Database"
Group Activities/Classes, Such as "How to Fix a Leaky Faucet," or "How to Cook Vegan Food"
Volunteer Activities to help local nonprofits and local governments

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* 2. What is important to you about being a member of the Eastside Timebank?

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* 3. What is lacking for you as a member of the Eastside Timebank?

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* 4. How would you like to be more involved in the Eastside Timebank?

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* 5. As a result of being a member of the Eastside Timebank, check the following that applies to you:

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* 6. What should be our priorities as a Timebank in the next several years?