Reunion Weekend 2017 Feedback Survey

Dear ACPHS alumna/alumnus:

We are delighted that you came back to Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences for your Reunion, and hope you had a wonderful time. Your reactions and thoughts about this Reunion are very helpful and important for future planning. Please take a few moments to complete this survey.

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. It is very much appreciated.


Office of Institutional Advancement

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* 1. Which best describes your attendance at Reunion Weekends? Select the best answer.

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* 2. I am more likely to attend Reunion Weekend when…. (Check as many as apply.)

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* 3. Indicate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
I prefer to receive information about Reunion Weekend via printed material (Alumni News, mailed invitation)
I prefer to receive information about Reunion Weekend electronically (e-mail, Facebook, electronic newsletter)
The information/invitation I received in advance of Reunion Weekend was comprehensive.
The registration process was efficient.
The scheduling of events allowed me to comfortably attend those in which I was most interested.
Reunion staff were knowledgeable and helpful.

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* 4. Indicate the events with which you were most satisfied.

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* 5. Indicate any events with which you were NOT satisfied or did NOT meet your expectations.

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* 6. Provide any comments and feedback on what you learned at Reunion Weekend regarding current initiatives and campaigns taking place at the College (i.e. Beyond Practice Ready Campaign; Campus Improvements; Academic offerings)

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* 7. Provide any further comments or suggestions you would like to make about Reunion Weekend.

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* 8. Indicate the range which includes your graduating class year.

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* 9. Please share your contact information for a chance to win!