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Self-Connection, Well-Being, and Physical Activity

Thank you for participating in the study.
Your feedback and participation are important for ongoing academic research on how to create sustainable lives.
You are invited to take part in a research study about self-connection and the influence it has on the relationship between exercise and well-being. This form is part of a process called “inform consent” to allow you to understand this study before deciding whether to take part.

This study seeks 115-135 volunteers who are:
Between the ages of 18-65
Exercise a minimum of 3x/week (no time limit required)

This study is being conducted by a researcher named Lauren Esmay, a graduate student at Walden University.

Study Purpose:
The study is to better learn how a person’s self-connection may impact their relationship between exercise and well-being. Prior research has established exercise increases a person’s well-being, so this study will look at how a person’s connection with oneself may have an impact on that relationship.

This study will involve you completing the following steps:
Complete the survey on Survey Monkey.
The survey should take around 15-20 minutes to complete.

Here are some sample questions:
On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is “not at all like me” and 5 is “completely like me”, answer the following statement:
It is easy for me to identify and understand how I am feeling in any given moment.

On a scale from 1 to 6, where 1 is “strongly disagree” and 6 is “strongly agree”, answer the following statement:
I often feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities.

Voluntary Nature of the Study:
Research should only be done with those who freely volunteer. So everyone involved will respect your decision to join or not. No one at Survey Monkey will treat you differently based on whether you volunteer or not.
If you decide to join the study now, you can still change your mind later. You may stop at any time.

Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
Being in this study could involve some risk of minor discomforts that can be encountered in daily life such as sharing sensitive information. With the protections in place, this study would pose minimal risk to your well-being.

This study offers no direct benefits to individual volunteers. The study's purpose is to benefit society by better understanding other factors, such as self-connection, that affect the relationship between exercise and well-being. By understanding other variables that influence this relationship, health professionals may be able to better guide patients to lead healthier lifestyles. Once the analysis is complete, the researcher will share the overall results by posting a summary at this webpage: __________

No payment will be provided for this study.

The researcher is required to protect your privacy. Your identity will be kept anonymous, within the limits of the law. The researcher will not ask for your name at any time or link your responses to your contact information. The researcher will not use your personal information for any purposes outside of this research project. If the researcher were to share this dataset with another researcher in the future, the dataset would contain no identifiers so this would not involve another round of obtaining informed consent. Data will be kept secure by data security measures including double password protection and data encryption. Data will be kept for a period of at least 5 years as required by the university.

Contacts and Questions:
You can ask questions of the researcher by email at If you want to talk privately about your rights as a participant, you can call Walden University’s Research Participant Advocate at 612-312-1210.
Walden University’s approval number for this study is 02-23-24-0658080. It expires on February 25, 2025.
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