AZ Giant Map User Survey Question Title * 1. What is your name? Question Title * 2. With what school/organization are you affiliated? Question Title * 3. How many classes used the map? One Two Three Four or more Question Title * 4. What two map activities went very well with your students? Here are some of the activities provided: Simon Says; Locating Places Using Grid; AZ Fun Facts; What, Why Wonder; Scavenger Hunt; or others in the handbook. Question Title * 5. How many students were "on the map?" Question Title * 6. Did you use the map for any other function? family night school carnival after school program No Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. If you answered yes, to the above question, approximately how many adults were "on the map?" Question Title * 8. Please rate your experience in using the giant Arizona map for exciting and engaging students in geography. (5 = high, 1 = low) 5 4 3 2 1 Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What recommendations do you have for improving the Giant Arizona Map program? Next