Register your interest in becoming a Student Ambassador 2024/2025

1.Full name(Required.)
2.College Email Address(Required.)
3.Department and Course(Required.)
4.As of September 2024, will you be an Undergraduate or Postgraduate student?(Required.)
5.Year of study as of September 2024.(Required.)
6.We will be recruiting Undergraduate Student Ambassadors in Spring/Summer 2025, although we may recruit earlier if the need arises. Are you happy for us to contact you at that time?(Required.)
7.We will be recruiting Postgraduate Student Ambassadors in the Autumn Term 2024 (dates TBC). Are you happy for us to contact you with more information at that time?(Required.)
8.If you have any additional comments then please feel free to add these below.

Please do not use this space to tell us why you would like the role, there will be a formal process when applications open. 
9.How did you hear about the Student Ambassador Scheme? Please tick all that apply. 

This question is optional and for marketing purposes only.
Current Progress,
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