Project Background

The City of Canby is developing a Tourism Plan.   Whether you are a local resident, or a current or past visitor to Canby, we’d love your input.  This survey is anonymous unless you wish to provide your contact info.

These questions will take fewer than 10 minutes to complete.
The project is being funded by the City of Canby with the assistance of a Travel Oregon grant.

The goal of the Canby Tourism Plan is to create priorities for investments in tourism infrastructure and promotion. Tourism is the third largest industry in Oregon, and one of the fastest growing. We are working with a pair of experienced consultants to make sure we maximize tourism's potential for economic and community development in Canby.

Please take 10 minutes to let us know your thoughts by
Wednesday JUNE 26TH.

Thank you,

Jamie Stickel, Economic Development Director, City of Canby


Question Title

* 1. If you are a Canby resident, or live on the outskirts of Canby, how long have you lived in here?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Which of the following words describe Canby & the surrounding area? Choose as many as are relevant.

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* 4. Do you have concerns about increased tourism in Canby?  (If yes, please describe)

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* 5. When you have visiting friends and family, what kinds of experiences in Canby or the surrounding area do you encourage them to do?

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* 6. What challenges does Canby have in attracting tourists?

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* 7. What kinds of experiences would you like to have more access to in your community?  Please rank from 1 to 5, 1 being the most important.

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* 8. Thinking BIG, what would be a dream scenario for Canby?  What could we build or create that would make life better for Canby residents AND draw more tourism?

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* 9. What kind of feelings do you experience when you think of Canby and the surrounding area?

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* 10. We might want to reach out to get more information about your ideas and responses.  Would you like to provide your contact info?