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Family Counseling Services

Question Title

* 1. What services have you (or your child/children) received while at FCS? Check all that apply.

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* 2. Please check primary concerns that were discussed while receiving services at FCS.

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* 3. Please rate your current situation, compared to when you first started services at FCS.

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* 4. Please rate the following statements

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strong disagree NA
Staff appeared friendly
I felt I was treated with respect
The staff helped me feel comfortable with the services I/my family received
This program helped me
I would recommend this agency to others

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* 5. Overall, how satisfied were you with the services you have received at FCS?

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* 6. Do you currently have mental health/medical concerns that are not currently being addressed that you would like to discuss with a counselor from FCS?

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* 7. Contact Information:

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* 8. Comments regarding clients response to treatment

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* 9. Additional Comments

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