1. Membership Survey

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. Your answers will provide the Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce with an effective way to measure past initiatives, as well as plan for future events. Thank you!
(Please return the completed survey before Dec 1, 2021)

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* 1. How many years have you been a Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce member?

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* 2. Why did you join the Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce?  Choose all options that apply.

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* 3. In the last 12 months, which events did you attend that offered the most value to you and/or your business.  Please select all that apply and add additional comments on how they were of value to you.

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* 4. In the last 12 months, as a Chamber member, have you made any connections or generated any business from another Chamber member, either through one of our events or outside of a chamber activity?

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* 5. Is the Chamber providing the necessary avenues for what you hope to gain for your business?

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* 6. Are you familiar with the Parkville Chamber website for job postings, business posts, e-commerce, advanced marketing opportunities, calendar events, and other areas of interest?

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* 7. We are working on some new initiatives for 2022.  Please indicate where you would like to be involved.  Descriptions of these events will be provided, but may be self-explanatory.

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* 8. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns regarding your Chamber membership and your expectations of such?  We will be happy to reach out if you would like to include your business or your name. Thank you.