Persona Based Questions

Thank you for doing this!  Please remember to answer any question that you chose as if you are responding to a person who is asking the question directly (Student, College official, Employer).  We recommend that you answer the first 5 randomized questions and then scroll down to the bottom and hit "Done."  

You are welcome to complete as many as you like, and you are welcome to come back to this page additional times as the posed questions will be different each time.  

Thank you!

Question Title

* As a college we are wondering, should I offer micro-credentials to students at the same cost per hour average that we use for traditional classes? Or should the amount be lowered? Or raised?

Question Title

* Should we retain ownership of the credential, or should we give it to the recipient and let them do with it what they want to do?

Question Title

* An applicant for one of my open positions just told me that they completed a micro-credential at the local community college, but I don’t know what that means. Can you please explain what a micro-credential is?

Question Title

* A college already offers English as a Second Language, but a faculty member is proposing to take a handful of classes and then to turn them into a micro-credential. How would this micro-credential relate to the degree?

Question Title

* As someone who offers micro-credentials, should they lead to further education? Or should we approach them as stand alone certifications?

Question Title

* As a student I would like to know if employers care about badges and micro-credentials. How would I know?

Question Title

* Should we be using open badges 2.0 standards? Or should we be looking towards Verifiable Credentials? What is the difference? And are they all stored on a blockchain?

Question Title

* How can I benefit if I start to recognize micro-credentials in the hiring process for my company?

Question Title

* I am an employer and am curious, are micro-credentials less expensive than traditional degrees?

Question Title

* As a new student I have heard about micro-credentials, but I don’t understand them, can you please explain what a micro-credential is?

Question Title

* Can a student use a micro-credential to get a job?

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement about pros vs cons of earning a micro-credential.  Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

Some consequences or weaknesses of micro-credentials include:
They may not be recognized by all employers.
They may not be as valuable as a full degree from an accredited institution.
They may not provide the same level of education or training as a full degree.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* As an employer, I am not sure how I feel about micro-credentials. I understand that in some cases the classes are not transferable to other colleges. Should that worry me?

Question Title

* How do I know that the employee who is showing me a micro-credential actually did the work and gained the credit?

Question Title

* I am a student and am a History major, and I just learned that my college is offering a Holocaust Studies micro-credential. How would it relate to the degree I am already getting?

Question Title

* I just earned a micro-credential! How can I share it with my employer and the college I am about to transfer to?

Question Title

* I am a student, can you tell me who actually owns my micro-credential when I earn one?

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement related the ownership of micro-credentials.   Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

Micro-credentials are digital credentials that are owned and managed by the learner. The learner can share their micro-credentials with employers and other stakeholders to demonstrate their skills and abilities.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* My college offers both micro-credentials and badges, but I am not sure what the difference is?

Question Title

* Should we be offering financial aid to students who are enrolled in micro-credential programs?

Question Title

* As an issuer, how can I be sure that others outside of higher education will recognize the micro-credential I earn?

Question Title

* As an issuer of micro-credentials we are having a conversation about transferability of these certifications. Should we be thinking about how a micro-credential transfers to another institution?

Question Title

* As an employer, I am not sure how I feel about micro-credentials. I understand that in some cases the classes are not transferable to other colleges. Should that worry me?

Question Title

* As a student I just earned my first badge! What should I do with it?

Question Title

* As a learner I am going to get an early childhood micro-credential. I think this will help me to get a job, but I am not sure. How would I know if a micro-credential will help me to get a job?

Question Title

* As a student, I want to make sure that what I earn is a secure and can’t be forged. Are micro-credentials secure?

Question Title

* As a student, I know what a degree means, but I am not sure that micro-credentials are all positive. What are some drawbacks, or some negatives associated with pursuing micro-credentials?

Question Title

* I want an employee to go get a micro-credential, but I can’t afford to pay for it for them. Is financial aid available for my employee to take a micro-credential?

Question Title

* How can we be sure that the micro-credential that we are offering will help students to get a job?

Question Title

* As a college, how do I ensure that our micro-credentials are secure and not vulnerable to duplication, falsification, or fabrication?

Question Title

* I’ve seen badges come through HR, but now an applicant has a micro-credential. What is the difference between a micro-credential and a badge?

Question Title

* I know that other non-postsecondary institutions are offering micro-credentials, should we see these organizations as competitors? How do we know that they are offering the same rigor and structure that we are?

Question Title

* Should we allow students to show only part of their micro-credential? Or should make sure that like a transcript, everything in a student’s academic record must be shown together?

Question Title

* As a student, can I use a micro-credential to pursue further education?

Question Title

* Does an applicant own their micro-credential? Or is it just a manifestation that they met certain criteria?

Question Title

* How am I supposed to interpret micro-credentials as they compare to degrees and other larger milestones in a student’s life? Are they the same as other degrees?

Question Title

* How do I align my micro-credential content to ensure that recipients are likely to get a job as a result of the micro-credential?

Question Title

* As an employer, how can I check with others across industry, and even between enterprises to ensure that others are seeing the micro-credential the same way that I am?

Question Title

* My Dean just asked me to find out more about micro-credentials because she wants to start using them, but I am not sure what they are. Can you please explain what a micro-credential is?

Question Title

* I am worried that I will put in the work to receive a micro-credential and then it won’t transfer. Will they transfer? And, should I be worried?

Question Title

* An employee has just earned a micro-credential and said that she can email it to me. That seems a little fishy since I usually get transcripts straight from colleges. Is that right?

Question Title

* I see that an applicant has a lot of micro-credentials. How can I sort through them to see which ones are applicable to the position I am hiring?

Question Title

* As an institution, how do I make sure that the micro-credential that we are building is aligned with industry standards and will be recognized?

Question Title

* How can I signal to institutions and others that we care about badges and micro-credentials

Question Title

* I am a student and I don’t want everyone to see all of my micro-credentials because I am concerned that I may be judged for some of my affiliations. Can I selectively choose which micro-credential to show others?

Question Title

* I want to signal to future employees that I am willing to accept micro-credentials instead of a degree. How do I do that?

Question Title

* How should we be encouraging our student to use their badges or digital micro-credentials?

Question Title

* I want our students to be able to share their micro-credentials with others. How do I get other colleges and employers to receive what we are encouraging them to share?

Question Title

* I am worried about how much college is going to cost. Are micro-credentials the same cost or less expensive than a degree?

Question Title

* How can we be sure that we are including perceived benefits and value to students as we are building and offering micro-credentials as an institution?

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement about how micro-credentials relate to a degree. Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

From the perspective of a student, micro-credentials may be seen as more immediately useful than a traditional college degree with regards to employment. Micro-credentials may be seen as demonstrating more specific and relevant skills than a degree, which can make them more attractive to employers. Additionally, micro-credentials may be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than a degree, making them a more attractive option for some students.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* Can I get financial aid to pay for my micro-credential?

Question Title

* As an institution, how can we be sure that micro-credentials relate to other larger milestones credentials in the lives of students?

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement related the ability to selectivity disclose micro-credentials.   Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

Yes, you can. You can share your micro-credential with anyone using a unique URL. You can also share it on social media, in an email signature, or on your resume.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* What are the benefits to a student as they obtain a micro-credential?

Question Title

* How can I be sure that a micro-credential is recognized by an industry before I start the program?

Question Title

* As an employer, how can I verify that micro-credentials are recognized by others in my same industry?

Question Title

* As an issuer of micro-credentials, what aspects should I pay attention to to ensure that we do not offer a program of study that has negative impacts on students?

Question Title

* I want to recognize a micro-credential when I see one come across my desk. But it seems like there are some negatives to doing so. Are students getting the same type of instruction in soft skills that I have grown accustomed to associating with degrees?

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement about how someone might find out if  micro-credentials are offered by an institution of higher education. Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

If you offer micro-credentials as an option, you can inform students by providing information about the micro-credentials on your website or through other marketing channels. You can also provide information about micro-credentials at events or fairs that you participate in. You can also reach out to students directly to let them know about the micro-credentials that you offer.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* As an issuer I would like to know if employers care about the badges and micro-credentials we are offering How would I know?

Question Title

* As a student I care about understanding the technology behind micro-credentials. I have heard that they are related to blockchains somehow. Are all micro-credentials stored on a blockchain?

Question Title

* As an employer I want my local university to start teaching micro-credentials that are aligned with my staffing needs. How do I get a college to start offering micro-credentials?

Question Title

* Should I use micro-credentials to feed decisions about who to employ?

Question Title

* As a student, how do micro-credentials relate to other large milestone credentials in my life?

Question Title

* I have heard about quick format micro-credentials and wonder if my school offers them. How might I find out?

Question Title

* As an institution, we want to be sure that we say that badges (or digital credentials) are not all micro-credentials, but we are having a hard time helping our students and the public understand this. What suggestions might you give us on how to explain?

Question Title

* An employee just sent me a link to a badge they earned. What should I do with it?

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement about how micro-credentials relate to finding employment. Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

Micro-credentials can help students get jobs by providing them with a way to showcase their skills and accomplishments to potential employers. Micro-credentials can also help students stand out from the competition and demonstrate their commitment to lifelong learning.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* As an employer I care about the influence of technology on my employees. I own quite a bit of crypto and just found out that some micro-credential documentation lives on a blockchain. Is that true of all badges and micro-credentials?

Question Title

* As an employer, would it matter to you if a micro-credential could be used to pursue further education in an employee?

Question Title

* As an institution, I see that an applicant to the graduate school completed a micro-credential and I see the classes they completed. But I don’t know how I am supposed to interpret the fact that they have a micro-credential and not a traditional degree.

Question Title

* AI has provided the following statement about the cost of micro-credentials.   Please review and respond with your opinion about the relevance and accuracy of this response: 

There is no one answer to this question as the cost of micro-credentials can vary depending on the provider and the specific credential. However, some examples of micro-credentials and their approximate cost are as follows:
The Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Business Analytics costs approximately $1,500.
The University of California, Berkeley Extension Certificate in Data Science costs approximately $2,700.
The Northeastern University MicroMasters in Data Science costs approximately $2,700.

  Very Accurate Somewhat Accurate Not Accurate
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant

Question Title

* I am looking at options, and I see that micro-credentials exists not just through my local college, but also through Coursera and elsewhere. Should I go through someone other than a college? Will it have the same earning power?

Question Title

* How do I notify current students and potential students that we are offering micro-credentials at my college?

Question Title

* A potential employee sent me proof of completion for a micro-credential but it is not from a college. Is it still valid?