Question Title

* 1. What age bracket are you in?

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* 2. How many cows do you have?

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* 3. Are you a member of HerdPlus?

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* 4. Do you Milk Record?

Question Title

* 5. When selecting bulls for artificial insemination, rank the following on a scale of 1-10 in terms of importance, 1 being very important and 10 being very unimportant

Question Title

* 6. Do you consider using genomic bulls as part of your breeding programme?

Question Title

* 7. If yes, what proportion of genomically selected young bulls do you use?

Question Title

* 8. If you don't use genomic bulls, please rate the importance of the following reasons:

  Very Important Important Neither important nor unimportant Unimportant Very unimportant
Lower reliability
Lack of trust in technology
Unproven results

Question Title

* 9. How confident are you in current genomic evaluations?

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* 10. Are you aware of the recent validation work comparing the proofs of genomic bulls to their daughter proven proofs

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* 11. Are you aware the results from the Teagasc Next Generation Herd comparing high EBI females to national average EBI females

Question Title

* 12. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement; "Genomic bulls are high genetic merit bulls and will leave you with a more profitable herd".

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* 13. If you use genomically selected bulls in the past and who's daughters are now milking, are you satisfied with the results of the progeny?

Question Title

* 14. Please rate the importance of the following for genotyping females

  Very important Important Neither important nor unimportant Unimportant Very unimportant
Selection of replacements
Management of inbreeding
Matings based on genotypes

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* 15. What is the MAXIMUM price you would be willing to pay to genotype female replacements?

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* 16. Have you ever used sexed semen in your herd?

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* 17. Did you participate in the 2013 Dairy Sexed Semen Project coordinated by ICBF & Teagasc?

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* 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement; “Sexed Semen has a significant role to play in the era of Post Quota with regard to expansion of herd size"

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* 19. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement; “Results of a pre-breeding scan would heavily influence my decision to use Sexed Semen with animals in my herd”

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* 20. Would you be more likely to select a full group or individually selected animals, when choosing to use Sexed Semen?

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* 21. When selecting heifers to inseminate with Sexed Semen, what selection criteria would be of most importance to you?

  Very Important Important Unimportant Very Unimportant
High EBI
High Fertility
Age of Heifer
Weight for age
Body Condition Score

Question Title

* 22. When selecting cows to inseminate with Sexed Semen, what selection criteria would be of most importance to you?

  Very Important Important Unimportant Very Unimportant
High EBI
High Fertility Sub Index
Age of Cow
Days in Milk
Body Condition Score
Calving Difficulty Score
Historical Fertility Record

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* 23. How likely would you be to use Sexed Semen with animals that have been synchronized?

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* 24. At what stage of the breeding season would you be most likely to use Sexed Semen?

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* 25. Given conception rates equivalent to conventional AI, what would be the additional MAXIMUM price you would be prepared to pay for sexed semen