Thank you for visiting Bucks Art Weeks 2024. Will you help us to improve next year? We're keen to hear about your experience - please take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire.

If you'd like to enter the prize draw, please make sure you give us your email address at the end of the survey. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Have you visited Bucks Art Weeks before this year?

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* 2. How did you first hear about Bucks Art Weeks?

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* 3. How many venues did you visit during Bucks Art Weeks this year?

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* 4. Why did you visit Bucks Art Weeks?

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* 5. Can you tell us the types of work you were most interested in visiting?

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* 6. How would you rate each of the following (where applicable):

  Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
Information to plan my visit
Finding the venue
The art and artefacts on display
Interacting with the artist/maker
Refreshments and toilet facilities
Overall enjoyment of your visit

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* 7. Did you use any of the following to plan your visit?

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* 8. If you did use any of these, how informative and useful were they?

Not at all helpful Very helpful
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. Did you buy anything during your visit?

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* 10. If you bought something, was it for yourself or a gift?

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* 11. How likely are you to visit Bucks Art Weeks again in the future?

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* 12. If you answered 'unlikely' or 'very unlikely', can you please give your reasons?

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* 13. What did you like best about your visit?

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* 14. What did you like least about your visit?

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* 15. Did you know that there was a loyalty card scheme this year to encourage visitors to see more venues?

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* 16. Do you live in Buckinghamshire?

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* 17. If yes, where in Buckinghamshire do you live? (please give the nearest town/village)

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* 18. Do you identify as...

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* 19. Including yourself, please specify in the relevant age categories, how many people were in your group during your visit:

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* 20. We are interested in understanding more about what arts and culture people enjoy. Have you visited any of the following in the last year?

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* 21. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

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* 22. Are there any changes you would like to see, or comments you wish to make?

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* 23. Would you like to enter the prize draw in return for completing this survey? The prize is a £100 voucher to spend with the artist/maker of your choice taking part.

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* 24. Would you like to join our mailing list for news about our artists' work and forthcoming Bucks Art Weeks events?

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* 25. Would you like to find out more about joining our organisation and taking part in Bucks Art Weeks as an artist/maker in the future?

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* 26. If you answered yes to any of the above 3 questions, please give us your email address.

By entering your email address you consent to receive marketing communication (emails) from Visual Images Group/ Bucks Art Weeks. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Our privacy policy is at
Thank you so much for taking this survey! It will help us improve our events in future.

Good luck with your entry in the prize draw!