
Our parish is participating in the Parish Discernment Process based upon Archbishop’s Kurtz pastoral letter: Your Parish: The Body of Christ Alive in Our Midst. In this letter, Archbishop Kurtz invites parishes to reflect upon how they are at the heart of where and how we grow as the Body of Christ.  He describes three priorities – family life, formation, and service – essential for the central mission of parish evangelization and invites each parish to consider how it can grow in holiness and vitality by addressing these priorities.

We want to hear from parishioners about how our parish should discern God’s will for the parish in these priority areas.  The online survey below provides a mechanism for broad participation from parishioners, especially those who have been unable to attend parish listening sessions.

Please read the pastoral letter (see and prayerfully reflect on the questions below.  All suggestions and comments will be helpful for our ongoing planning and will be considered as we discern two to three strategies for each priority.